I put together these Transformers BINGO cards for my youngest boys 5th birthday party. He's super excited to play this with his friends this weekend.
Instructions: Click on each image and save to your computer. Print out one each of these 4 BINGO cards on card stock (I printed two per page). Cut out and laminate (if desired).
Next, print out these BINGO calling cards (3 pages, 9 altogether) on card stock; cut out and laminate (again, if desired). (Note, not all the cards are exactly the same size, although very close. The compulsive perfectionist inside of me is dying but, oh well....as a mother of five children I've learned that sometimes you just have to let things go. he he he....)
How to play: Place calling cards inside a box, container, or envelope. In random order pull out one card at a time. Have the children mark the corresponding picture on their individual boards with buttons, pieces of candy, or other small objects (appropriate for their age). If you chose to laminate, dry-erase markers work really well for this.
The object is to be the first to mark off three pictures in a row. When this is accomplished, child shouts out "BINGO" or in this case "Transformers, roll out!" and wins a prize. Play for desired length of time or until all children get a prize.
Enjoy! Happy Bingo-ing!
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