Monday, January 28, 2013

Spinach Bacon Craisin Salad

When engaging in a weight loss journey, I often get asked what I eat.  For lunch especially.

The answer.  Salads....lots of salads.  Why?  Because, in choosing the RIGHT ingredients, they can be VERY LOW in calories AND very filling at the same time.  Plus, they're packed full of "good things to eat" (name that book....). 

On the other hand, eating salads every day can get very monotonous.  Sigh.... 

So I change it up...A LOT. 

This version is one of my favorites.  It's a little higher in calories that some of my "others" but totally guilt-free and worth it.  (Who says healthy food has to be icky and boring?)

Years ago, my sister introduced me to a super tasty version of this.  I tweaked it just a bit to lower the calories and add a bit more nutrition without giving up any flavor.  I've been blissfully enjoying it ever since. 

Spinach Bacon Craisin Salad

Serving for one:
1.5 cups romaine lettuce
1 cup fresh spinach (reg or baby)
1/2 cup low fat (2%) cottage cheese
2 TBSP Hormel REAL bacon pieces or bits (glass cylinder found in the condiments isle)
1/2 roma tomato (or 1/4 cup tomato) cut, diced, sliced (whatever your prefer)
1/4-1/3 cup Craisins (in any delicious variety) 

Pile it on and enjoy.

To cut down the calories even more, replace the Craisins with 1/2 cup fresh fruit (diced strawberries or blueberries would be yummy)

The salad, as is, has 271 calories, 35 carbs (think energy for your workouts), 6 grams of fat, and 22 grams of protein.

I usually side the salad with one serving of whole grain crackers or bread (think, FIBER and fuel), a serving of carrots, large or baby (FIBER), and an apple or orange (FIBER and because I love them).  

YEAY, that's a LOT of veggie and fruits but that's a good, healthy thing.  Plus, it will keep you satisfied until dinner time. 

If you DO eat a mid-afternoon snack, try saving the apple and carrots until snack time.  Dip with 1-2 TBSP peanut (or other nut) butter (yes, I did just say to try dipping your carrots in PB. YUM!), enjoying a 200-300 calorie snack.

So there you have it.  Any questions, comments, feel free to leave them.




Messy Musings said...

looks GREAT!! I love using cottage cheese as a salad dressing like that!!

but have to ask: what's the difference between real bacon you cook yourself, and Hormel's bottled version?

Melanie said...

Becky...not a whole lot.

#1 Convenience. It's already cooked and crumbled for you.

#2 this particular bottled bacon is REAL bacon (not soy bits that just taste like bacon) that is 50% less fat.

That is all.

I buy it because I hate to cook bacon but you can do it yourself, of course. :)

Messy Musings said...

ah... then I shall have to share with you my secret for easy peasy no mess nor splatter bacon cooking method!! ;o)

Melanie said...

Yes! Please!